
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Addendum to the Airport Tunnel Debate

Just a quick shout out today to the Calgary Mayoral Candidates.

The race is finally on to see who will become Calgary's next mayor and so far there is one front runner, Ric McIvor, with Barb Higgins running (for now) a distant second.

If I might be so bold to lend some advice to the also-rans that are still in the picture and still think there is a ghost of a chance (like I am an expert in Municipal politics). Get invested in the airport debate. There are hundreds of thousands of Calgarians that are directly affected by the final outcome of the issue and those votes can go a long way in pushing you up the municipal ladder. I know that, by and large, the decision at the City of Calgary level has been decided but if your voters feel there is someone in their corner it can make an enormous difference in how you fare.

Whoever ultimately wins the mantle of Mayor of Calgary, the only thing I ask is this: Please, PLEASE don't spend my money frivolously on things like $25 million dollar eyesore bridges and then pander to the populace by calling it the Peace Bridge...but I digress.

Regardless people, whether or not you think the airplane tunnel is your concern, vote with your head. Read up on all the candidates, identify their platforms and vote accordingly. Get informed. get involved.

We now return you to the much more enjoyable Airplane related programming that is already in progress.

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